The essential Role of Human Translators in AI Era: Evaluation and Insights for the future
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The essential Role of Human Translators in AI Era: Evaluation and Insights for the future

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought significant advancements in translation technology, leading to the widespread use of AI translation tools. These tools offer convenience and efficiency for businesses looking to bridge language barriers and expand into global markets. However, despite the rapid progress in AI translation, the role of human translators remains indispensable for several critical reasons. In this post we will explore the multifaceted aspects of why human translators are still essential in a world increasingly reliant on AI for translation services.

Human face hologram AI

1. Cultural Context and Nuance

Language is a complex system of communication, deeply intertwined with culture and societal norms. Human translators possess a unique understanding of cultural nuances, idiomatic expressions, and contextual subtleties that AI struggles to grasp fully. They can adapt translations to ensure they are culturally appropriate, sensitive, and effective. This cultural awareness is particularly crucial for marketing, legal documents, and customer interactions where misinterpretations can have significant consequences.

Vasquez Shih's research (2019) sheds light on the importance of human translators in preserving cultural nuances and effectively conveying meaning. The study highlights that users perceive human translators as more capable of handling cultural intricacies compared to AI-based translation tools, emphasising the nuanced nature of human translation.

2. Industry-specific Knowledge

Many businesses operate in specialised industries with unique terminology, jargon, and technical language. Human translators often come equipped with domain-specific expertise that is essential for providing accurate translations in sectors such as medicine, law, technology, and finance. These industries demand precision and in-depth knowledge that AI may not possess.

Gaspari and Prokopidis (2020) explore the impact of language technology on the translation profession and emphasise the significance of human translators in handling industry-specific content. Their research underlines that specialised knowledge is a critical factor that sets human translators apart from AI tools, and that despite the advancements in language technology, human translators remain indispensable for handling industry-specific content. Their specialised knowledge, contextual understanding, and ability to navigate the intricacies of both language and subject matter set them apart from AI translation tools. While AI can augment and expedite certain translation tasks, the human touch, with its deep domain expertise and nuanced understanding, remains essential for ensuring accurate and reliable translations in specialised fields.

3. Quality Assurance

AI translation tools, while powerful, are not infallible and can make errors, especially when dealing with complex or ambiguous text. Human translators play a crucial role in quality assurance by reviewing and editing machine-generated translations. This meticulous review process ensures accuracy and coherence, reducing the risk of misunderstandings, miscommunications, and potential legal issues. Quality control is paramount in translation, and human translators offer a vital layer of oversight that AI translation tools often lack. This aspect is especially relevant in legal and technical fields where precision is paramount.

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4. Creative Content

Creative content, such as marketing materials, advertisements, and literary works, requires more than just linguistic accuracy—it demands cultural relevance, emotion, and creativity. Human translators excel in infusing these elements into translations, making them resonate with the target audience. AI struggles to replicate this creative aspect of translation effectively.

Businesses often rely on the emotional connection established through creative content to engage with their audience on a deeper level. Human translators, with their ability to capture cultural nuances and creativity, play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. In preparation for this article, I conducted a little experiment. I used my computer's voice recognition tool to transcribe a section from the renowned French classic "Le Rouge et le Noir" by Stendhal. The outcome proved to be far from satisfactory, with a transcript riddled with inaccuracies. I corrected the errors, then had the same passage translated into English through AI, and I must admit that the translation was surprisingly effective. However, it's worth noting that the selected excerpt was relatively straightforward, leaving me uncertain about AI's ability to grasp intricate language, stylistic effects, and specialised vocabulary.

AI robot face interacting with girl

5. Privacy and Confidentiality

Certain business documents, including legal contracts, financial reports, and sensitive customer data, necessitate the highest level of confidentiality. Human translators can adhere to strict confidentiality agreements, providing an extra layer of security that AI translation tools may not guarantee. The trustworthiness of human translators in handling sensitive information is a critical factor in industries that deal with confidential data.

6. Real-time Communication

In scenarios that require real-time communication, such as negotiations, customer support, or live events, human interpreters are irreplaceable. They can provide immediate and accurate translations, enabling businesses to interact effectively with clients, partners, or audiences. In contrast, AI tools may not offer the speed and precision needed for real-time interactions. The importance of human interpreters in real-time communication is underscored by their ability to bridge language gaps and facilitate meaningful interactions in various settings.

7. Adaptability to Language Evolution

Languages are dynamic and constantly evolving entities. Human translators are better equipped to adapt to these changes and stay up to date with the latest language trends, idioms, and slang. This adaptability ensures that translations remain relevant and accurate, reflecting the evolving nature of language.

8. Subjectivity and Tone

Translating tone, humour, or emotion accurately is a complex task that often involves subjectivity. AI translation tools struggle to capture the subtleties of tone and emotion effectively. Human translators, on the other hand, excel in understanding the nuances of language and can convey the intended message with the appropriate tone and emotional depth. Maintaining brand voice and ensuring that the translated content aligns with the original intent is crucial for businesses, and human translators play a pivotal role in achieving this goal.

9. Customer Relationships

In industries where customer relationships are paramount, such as hospitality and tourism, personalised interactions are critical for success. Human translators can provide a personal touch, enhancing the customer experience and building trust. The ability to connect with customers on a more profound and personal level is a competitive advantage that human translators bring to the table.

10. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

In many industries, businesses are required to comply with legal and regulatory standards for translations. Human translators are well-versed in these requirements and can ensure that translations meet all necessary standards. This compliance is particularly vital in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, finance, and legal, where accuracy and adherence to regulations are non-negotiable.


While AI translation tools have made significant strides in recent years and offer convenience for basic and repetitive translation tasks, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution for businesses that require accuracy, cultural sensitivity, industry-specific knowledge, and personalised communication. Human translators remain essential in bridging language barriers and helping businesses succeed in the global marketplace.

Human translators continue to hold a vital role in translation services. They bring a depth of cultural understanding, industry expertise, and creative capability that AI tools are yet to fully emulate. Moreover, human translators ensure quality assurance, privacy, and adaptability to evolving languages. Their ability to capture subjectivity, maintain tone, and foster customer relationships further solidifies their importance. Lastly, they play a crucial role in legal and regulatory compliance, offering businesses peace of mind in their translation efforts.

As AI continues to evolve, it is likely to complement human translators rather than replace them entirely. The future of translation services may involve a harmonious collaboration between human expertise and AI efficiency, creating a synergy that caters to the diverse needs of businesses in an increasingly globalised world.


1. Shih, V. (2019). The Role of Humans in Machine Translation: A Survey of Users' Perceptions. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP) (pp. 2681-2691).

2. Gaspari, F., & Prokopidis, P. (2020). Machine Translation in a Multilingual World: The Impact of Language Technology on the Translation Profession. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 15(3), 390-410.

3. O'Brien, S. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and Localization: Will Translators Become Extinct? In J. Munday (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies and Linguistics (pp. 221-236). Routledge.

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