The Teacher Summertime Blues
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The Teacher Summertime Blues

During my years in full-time education, I eagerly awaited the summer break. As the last day of term approached, I felt like a long-distance runner pushing through exhaustion to cross the finish line. Despite my love for teaching, the 3:30 pm bell brought an overwhelming sense of relief, knowing I would be free for the next six weeks. However, as the first Monday of the holiday came, an unexpected feeling of anti-climax washed over me. I felt disoriented, not sure of what to do with myself, and to be honest, I experienced a period of mild depression for at least a week. I often wondered whether this "teacher summertime blues" was a personal struggle or if it was “a teacher thing”. Deep down, I already knew the answer, but I wanted to explore this phenomenon further and perhaps think of strategies to alleviate its impact.

So, yes, the "teacher summer blues" is indeed a real phenomenon. Teachers, like many professionals, can experience a range of emotions during the summer break, including a sense of restlessness, nostalgia, or even mild depression. These can be explained by various factors such as:

The Sense of Uselessness:

After months of pouring their heart and soul into teaching, many teachers feel a sense of purposelessness during the summer break. The absence of students, the empty classroom, and the lack of daily responsibilities can leave teachers questioning their impact and feeling unsure of how to fill their days, and this was my case.

The Transition from Busy to Idle:

Teachers are used to a fast-paced, demanding environment during the school year, filled with lesson planning, marking, classroom management, and interaction with students and colleagues. Suddenly transitioning to a more relaxed and unstructured summer schedule can be disorienting, leading to feelings of restlessness and a loss of purpose.

While the teacher summertime blues may bring about feelings of uselessness, it's essential to remember that these emotions are temporary. I used to divide the six-week holiday into three distinct sections: two weeks to decompress, two weeks to indulge and enjoy, and two weeks to prepare for the upcoming year (with the final week filled with anxiety about the impending results).Moreover, I have read posts on this subject in different forum, and if you are experiencing these feeling, I can confirm that you definitely not the only one. Plus, there are ways for navigating these emotions and finding purpose during the break:

Jet Off on a Holiday ASAP:

Embrace the holiday mode by whisking yourself away to a different environment. Breaking free from the school routine and resetting yourself can be highly beneficial.

Reconnect with Passions:

Use the summer break as an opportunity to rediscover your personal passions and hobbies. Engage in activities that bring you joy and fulfilment, whether it's pursuing a creative project, or immersing yourself in nature. Reconnecting with your interests outside of the classroom can reignite a sense of purpose and rejuvenate your spirit.

Seek Peer Support:

Connect with other colleagues who may be experiencing similar emotions. Share your feelings with trusted colleagues or join online communities of teachers. Engaging in discussions, exchanging ideas, and supporting one another is a good way to alleviate feelings of isolation and provide a renewed sense of belonging and purpose.

The teacher summertime blues, can cast a temporary shadow over the much-needed break. However, remember you are not alone in experiencing these emotions, and with the right strategies and support, the infamous summertime blues can be conquered. While I plan to publish a few posts over the summer, I understand if you want a break from education. So, I'll use this opportunity to wish all my awesome colleagues a restful and rejuvenating summer break. Enjoy your well-deserved time off (and plenty of ice cream)! 🌞😎


- Edutopia: How Teachers Can Spend the Summer to Recharge and Prep for Next Year


- TeachHUB: Dealing with the Summertime Blues


- WeAreTeachers: Summertime Blues: 9 Tips for Teachers to Avoid the Post-School-Year Funk


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